‘Making A Mark.’
‘I was here, I am here.’
Furzedown Oak Community Project presents two exciting workshops.
In this years Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival
at Sprout Arts. 74 Moyser Road. Furzedown. SW16 6SQ

Friday 6th, 13th, 20th May,
Thursday 12th May,
Tuesday 17th May.
10.30 til 12.30 am & 1.00 til 3.00 pm

The morning sessions 10.30am - 12.30am is a unique creative writing workshop led by local storyteller & narrative coach Eli Anderson. Using an innovative approach to experience creative writing the workshop will enable you to discover an uplifting & creative way to value yourself.
The afternoon sessions 1.00pm - 3.00pm is an art workshop led by local artist Ken McCalla. This art class guides you through techniques that can create impact & offers the opportunity for the participants to become co-artists/creators of a permanent public sculpture & leaving their mark.

'Our marks make a difference'
These workshops can be taken individually & repeated; classes are accessible to everyone & are free.
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Furzedown Oak community project are a group of local residents & artist that have come together to use the wood from a locally felled old red oak tree to create a local sculpture trail & promote/inspire ‘a sense of pride’ in the community.
For info on the Furzedown Oak
For info on SproutArts